Kathy Jourdain / Worldview Intelligence Canada

Location: Bedford
Pronouns: she/her
Services Offered:
Board Governance, Change Management, Facilitation, Leadership Development, Other, Strategic Planning
Work Description:
Worldview Intelligence provides language, knowledge and skills to reveal and then discuss differing perspectives that get in the way of achieving identified outcomes. Our proprietary system is based on understanding how individual, team and organizational worldviews impact communication and strategy. Worldviews are the lenses through which we see and experience the world. They operate largely in our unawareness and they are different for each of us. Our worldviews can be a source of conflict, tension or hidden dynamics until made visible. Individuals, team, organizations, communities all have worldviews. The same framework, our Worldview Intelligence Six Dimensions Framework, can be used to illuminate worldviews, whether individual or collective. This information can then be used to make connections, open explorations and bridge differences.
We work with our clients to understand budgets and to find rates that feel fair to both the client and us.
Non Profit Experience
Non Profit Rate: