New IONS Executive Director – Benny Welter-Nolan
After a intentional and collaborative search, the IONS team and board are happy to announce our new Executive Director, Benny Welter-Nolan (they/them)!
Benny has been collaborating with communities across Mi’kma’ki since moving to Kjipuktuk in 2008. Benny is a curious, queer, settler artist who makes crafts, cakes and music with their loved ones for fun. As an experienced administrator, they’re dedicated to accessibility in organizational systems with a flair for colourful spreadsheets and calendars.
Most recently, they supported emerging leaders at Every One Every Day: a Reconciliation Initiative of the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre through their consultancy Shaping Change. During their time as the Executive Director of Visual Arts Nova Scotia, they successfully advocated for a doubling of provincial funding for the arts sector. They have also served as the Publisher of Visual Arts News magazine, President of the Cultural Federations of Nova Scotia, Co-Chair of the Youth Project, and Co-Director of Hermes artist co-operative.
Benny delights in seeing people that are dedicated to their communities empowered and thriving. An earnest governance nerd since their youth, Benny is excited to join the IONS team to create meaningful change in solidarity with each other for a more inclusive and beautiful future.
Please join us in welcoming Benny to the team!