Tyler is a creative, dynamic, and accomplished leader with a passion for social justice, community development, collaboration, and social innovation. He is a registered social worker (#8635 NSCSW), having completed his degree after 18 years of trying. He is now completing his Masters of Social Work through the University of Victoria.

As a white, queer, cisgender male, settler in Mi’kma’ki, Tyler is curious about exploring the intersections between decolonization, climate adaptation, and social impact work. His queerness and lived experiences greatly inform his work in the for-impact sector. Tyler is an eager community volunteer and received the Caring Canadian Award in 2015 and the Sovereign Medal for Volunteers in 2016 in recognition of his many years of volunteering.

For the last 18 years, he has worked in non-profit, tourism, communications & marketing, and the creative arts. Tyler lives with his partner Matt and their dog Otis in Punamukwatijk/Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.