Our Two Cents: Funding 101 for Community Organizations
Hear from representatives of various funding streams and learn some tips for success in accessing funds from different sources.Funding Community Impact Series: Session 1What this session has to offer:Have you heard the advice that you must "diversify your funding structure"? What does that mean and where should you begin? During session 1, hear from representatives […]
Social Impact Leaders: Discover Benefits For Your Organization
Halifax Central Library - BMO Community Room 5440 Spring Garden Road, Halifax, NS, CanadaAre you looking for affordable employee group benefit options for your organization? Join us for a lunch and learn to see what fits for you!Are you looking for affordable employee group benefit options for your organization?Cost and administrative burdens create organizational barriers to access health benefits for staff and their families. Did you know that […]
Ethical Story Building for Narrative Change
Explore the fundamentals of narrative change and learn ways to integrate it into strategic plans, storytelling, and communications!Series Description:Communications is a strategic site of intervention for impact organizations (nonprofits and charities). Media, policymakers, sector colleagues and the public are all influenced by the dominant, often harmful, narratives that shape our work. When we see communications […]
Leveling the Playing Field: Addressing Inequities in the Funding System
Speakers with lived experience will discuss the inherent inequities, signs of change, and how we can work towards just resourcing.Funding Community Impact Series: Session 2What this session has to offer:The funding environment is not a level playing field. What are the systemic barriers to success in funding? Speakers with lived experience will discuss the inherent […]
Ethical Story Building for Narrative Change – Session 2
Explore the fundamentals of narrative change and learn ways to integrate it into strategic plans, storytelling, and communications!Series Description:Communications is a strategic site of intervention for impact organizations (nonprofits and charities). Media, policymakers, sector colleagues and the public are all influenced by the dominant, often harmful, narratives that shape our work. When we see communications […]
Community Impact Sector Day of Recognition 2023
Cedar Event Centre 111 Clayton Park Drive, Halifax, NS, CanadaJoin us for the Community Impact Sector Day of Recognition to celebrate your work with a full day of activities, performances, and awards!Below the Surface: Celebrating the Depth of ImpactWhat if the Community Impact (Nonprofit) Sector didn’t exist? Programs and services are just the tip of the iceberg. The sector’s role includes trust-building and strengthening […]
Pushing the Boundaries of Funding
Innovators in the sector who are approaching funding differently will share stories of novel approaches they have tried or observed.Funding Community Impact Series: Session 3What this session has to offer:What does innovation look like in the funding environment? What does it look like when people push the boundaries of how funding happens? Innovators in the […]
Community Conversations: Let’s Talk Equitable Policy – Digby
Digby Pines - Digby Hall Salon B 103 Shore Road, Digby, NS, CanadaJoin Homeless No More and Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia (IONS) for a community conversation in Nova Scotia’s Valley Region!Community Conversations: Let's Talk Equitable PolicyJoin Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia (IONS) and Homeless No More for a community conversation!This event will provide a chance to connect impact organizations (nonprofits and charities), learn about justice and […]
Community Conversations: Let’s Talk Equitable Policy – West Hants
Three Mile Plains Community Hall 4474 Evangeline Trail, Windsor, NS, CanadaJoin Homeless No More and Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia (IONS) for a community conversation in Nova Scotia’s Valley Region! Community Conversations: Let's Talk Equitable Policy Join Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia (IONS) and Homeless No More for a community conversation! This event will provide a chance to connect impact organizations (nonprofits and charities), learn […]
New Glasgow Community Conversations: Creating Welcoming Workplaces
IGNITE Atlantic 345 Temperance Street, New Glasgow, NS, CanadaJoin Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia (IONS) for a community conversation in Nova Scotia’s New Glasgow at Ignite Atlantic Community Conversations: Community Conversations: Creating Welcoming Workplaces Join Impact Organizations of Nova Scotia (IONS) for a community conversation! This event will provide a chance to connect impact organizations (non-profits and charities), learn about how IONS […]